Applause Dance Spring Program 2015

August 15, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I guess it's fair to say that I enjoy design work...............

I'm been meaning to post the Spring Program for Applause Dance Program since May, but I've been a little busy with moving the studio and just being a full time photographer.  That's another blog. 

SO, for everyone that has asked about it....Here it is...The Book.  (s)  The program was so large it required an insert.  A contest was held to see who would star on the cover since all of the girls are so beautiful and talented.  Jasmine Hargreaves won the contest and was featured on both covers. Jasmine and I had a couple of private shoots till I got just what I wanted for the cover.

"Miss Elesia's" children are so very much fun to work with and I have come to love them all dearly!  I look forward to seeing you all again this year and the new additions at the Pine Hill and Monroeville locations~

Here's the program..... Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause Dance Studio"A WHOLE NEW WORLD" Applause



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